Fans blijven spelen voor 100 jaar levering van Personal Lubricant in een reeks van World Cup wedstrijden

Met het wereldkampioenschap is het wel goed, SASMAR gaat met een van zijn grootste wedstrijden ooit door! We hebben een reeks uitdagingen voorbereid voor onze grootste fans om te concurreren en proberen 1 jaar aanbod van SASMAR Personal Lubricant te winnen en ...
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With the World Cup well on it's way, SASMAR is moving on with one of its biggest competitions ever! We prepared a series of challenges for our biggest fans to compete and try to win 1 year's supply of SASMAR Personal Lubricant and a brand new 44" flat screen TV!

The #DareToWin Facebook page Battle Series is divided into 2 contests following the stages of the World Cup and runs until 12th of July 2014.




- LIKE our SASMAR Lubricants Facebook page

- Guess the winning teams for each of the 2 SASMAR World Cup stages.

- You can submit one entry per stage.

- You can win in each stage.

- Make yourself happy with a large screen television and make your partner even happier with the best personal lube




Contest 1: 64 winners of 1 year’s supply of lube!!!


- Submit your entry by selecting the names of the 16 World Cup teams that you think will make it to the Second Stage of the World Cup

- The first 64 contestants with the most accurate answer will be our lucky winners

- Start date: 16th of June at 3:00 AM EST; End date: 20th of June at 5:59 PM EST

- Winners of this contest are announced on the 27th of June 2014, on our official Facebook page


Contest 2: 36 winners of 1 year’s supply of lube!!! One among them will also receive the big prize of a 44" inch TV.


- Submit your entry by selecting the name of the World Cup winner and the correct score

- At the close of the competition, the participant who correctly predicted the winning team and the score first WINS the TV plus one year’s supply of SASMAR Personal Lubricant!

- If no participants predict the final score, the first participant who submitted the winning team and has the closest winning score answer will be our winner.

- The 35 runners-up will receive one year’s supply of personal lubricant.

- Start date: 23rd of June at 3:00 AM EST; End date: 12th of July at 11:00 AM EST

- Winners of this contest are announced on the 14th of July 2014, on our official Facebook page


Are you still here? Go and play with us on

Even more curios?

Check out our lubricant’s series (including a lot of playtime!) on and

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