Sasmar, an Australian biotechnology company, announced today that is has moved all manufacturing of its family planning lines to the Australian market. Sasmar CEO John-Michael Mancini said, With many Australians concerned by the slump in the economy, and worried about their jobs, their mortgages, their bills and taking care of their children, we have moved manufacturing to add value locally. We are pleased about the new jobs this move has created in the Australian market. Sasmar, an Australian biotechnology company, announced today that is has moved all manufacturing of its family planning lines to the Australian market. Sasmar CEO John-Michael Mancini said, With many Australians concerned by the slump in the economy, and worried about their jobs, their mortgages, their bills and taking care of their children, we have moved manufacturing to add value locally. We are pleased about the new jobs this move has created in the Australian market.