
随着世界杯的顺利进行,SASMAR正在进行其最大的比赛之一! 我们为我们最大的球迷准备了一系列挑战,争取赢得一年的SASMAR个人润滑油供应。
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With the World Cup well on it's way, SASMAR is moving on with one of its biggest competitions ever! We prepared a series of challenges for our biggest fans to compete and try to win 1 year's supply of SASMAR Personal Lubricant and a brand new 44" flat screen TV!

The #DareToWin Facebook page Battle Series is divided into 2 contests following the stages of the World Cup and runs until 12th of July 2014.




- LIKE our SASMAR Lubricants Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/sasmarlubes

- Guess the winning teams for each of the 2 SASMAR World Cup stages.

- You can submit one entry per stage.

- You can win in each stage.

- Make yourself happy with a large screen television and make your partner even happier with the best personal lube




Contest 1: 64 winners of 1 year’s supply of lube!!!


- Submit your entry by selecting the names of the 16 World Cup teams that you think will make it to the Second Stage of the World Cup

- The first 64 contestants with the most accurate answer will be our lucky winners

- Start date: 16th of June at 3:00 AM EST; End date: 20th of June at 5:59 PM EST

- Winners of this contest are announced on the 27th of June 2014, on our official Facebook page


Contest 2: 36 winners of 1 year’s supply of lube!!! One among them will also receive the big prize of a 44" inch TV.


- Submit your entry by selecting the name of the World Cup winner and the correct score

- At the close of the competition, the participant who correctly predicted the winning team and the score first WINS the TV plus one year’s supply of SASMAR Personal Lubricant!

- If no participants predict the final score, the first participant who submitted the winning team and has the closest winning score answer will be our winner.

- The 35 runners-up will receive one year’s supply of personal lubricant.

- Start date: 23rd of June at 3:00 AM EST; End date: 12th of July at 11:00 AM EST

- Winners of this contest are announced on the 14th of July 2014, on our official Facebook page


Are you still here? Go and play with us on https://www.facebook.com/sasmarlubes

Even more curios?

Check out our lubricant’s series (including a lot of playtime!) on https://twitter.com/sasmarlubricant and www.sasmarlubricants.com

About 1 in 6 couples of reproductive age have a fertility problem, writes the Infertility Awareness Association of South Africa (IFAASA).