SASMAR nuevo acceso en línea disponible para minoristas

Wholesale ordering now available. Use our new online service tool to order all SASMAR products at wholesales prices. It is super easy, convenient, fast and secure!
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Wholesale ordering now available. 

Use our new online service tool to order all SASMAR products at wholesales prices. It is super easy, convenient, fast and secure! Start ordering in 3 easy steps:

  1. Register here and create your wholesale login in less than 2 minutes
  2. You will then receive a confirmation email, when your account is approved
  3. You can now order directly the quantity you want at our best wholesale prices here!

This online access is available 24 x 7, so you can manage your account with SASMAR whenever it’s convenient for you.

We hope that you will appreciate being able to order Sasmar Lubricants and Conceive Plus fertility lubricant more easily and in a more flexible way.


Our helpdesk is at your disposal to assist you with this online service. 

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SASMAR anuncia el lanzamiento del nuevo servicio de pedidos por mayor en línea para distribución internacional
SASMAR lanza una línea de venta al por mayor en línea para los minoristas, tiendas, farmacias y más.