La compañía farmacéutica elige fabricar en Australia, estimulando la economía en el país

Sasmar, una compañía australiana de biotecnología, anunció hoy que ha trasladado toda la fabricación de sus líneas de planificación familiar al mercado australiano.

Sasmar, an Australian biotechnology company, announced today that is has moved all manufacturing of its family planning lines to the Australian market. Sasmar CEO John-Michael Mancini said, “With many Australians concerned by the slump in the economy, and worried about their jobs, their mortgages, their bills and taking care of their children, we have moved manufacturing to add value locally. We are pleased about the new jobs this move has created in the Australian market.” Sasmar, an Australian biotechnology company, announced today that is has moved all manufacturing of its family planning lines to the Australian market. Sasmar CEO John-Michael Mancini said, “With many Australians concerned by the slump in the economy, and worried about their jobs, their mortgages, their bills and taking care of their children, we have moved manufacturing to add value locally. We are pleased about the new jobs this move has created in the Australian market.” 

Martin White, partner of accounting firm Jacoby Cameron & Co said, “Australia’s $42 billion recession-fighting stimulus package will see more than seven million Australians receiving $900 cash handouts from today. To inject this money into the Australian economy we must look at buying Australian made products." 
Mr Mancini said that consumers should be checking labels to see where products are made. "Australian made products are usually of better quality and the money stays here," he said.
Labeling that includes ‘Made in Australia’ is injecting money into the national economy.
“Amongst our social circles someone has lost their job, people are questioning if they will be next," said mother of two Jennifer Johnstone of St Ives. "it is fantastic to see companies thinking about how their decisions affect the average Australian."
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Compañía farmacéutica australiana rompe barreras a la concepción para sería mamás alrededor del mundo
La compañía farmacéutica australiana Sasmar ha lanzado su producto de la concepción después de tres años de desarrollo conjuntamente con los expertos de la fertilidad de hospitales universitarios respetados en los EEUU.